“Caution: Heroes At Work” is a mini comic series following a optimistic magical being named Gloriana Pearson who moved from a small village to be enlisted to be a part of a important superhero team…But instead of fighting crime in a dangerous city, she arrives in the calm and cozy town of Farnworth where her new team is not so much “heroes“ but public service workers. Not what she expected but regardless she will make the best of it and help the people of Farnworth.

This series is filled with drama, action, romance, comedy with sprinkles of fantasy and science fiction.

(Disclaimer: This graphic novel contains imagery of mental illness, drugs, alcohol, implications of sexual activity, graphic violence/gore, and mild language. Viewer discretion is advised. Also this series is PURELY FICTION inspired by history, science and other subject matter.)


Cass is from a small town in Indiana, USA where she grew up falling in love with illustration, design and storytelling ever since she can remember. Over the years she’s been inspired by music, comics/manga, 80’s-00’s animation, movies, fashion, world history, and her fellow art comrades. Cass is a designer, illustrator and amateure comic artist that has created Dilemma to challenge her skills and to experiment with her art.